This is a website that should be linked to all of your blogs and one that you should refer to frequently for a variety of reasons. Please write a comment about what you think of this website especially in relationship to what we have been discussing in educational psychology. Click on the image above to go to the Edutopia link.
I think this website is very informative and covers a wide array of topics. I found a technology article that discussed the benefits of fully integrating technology into schools to help engage student's learning. This is relevant because in class we have discussed on numerous occasions whether or not the full integration this article is suggesting will have a negative impact on students in the long run.
Thanks, Kristine. I find this site to be very convincing that the sooner we fully and comprehensively embrace technology at all levels of education the better our students will be prepared to face the future.
I found an article on the website about teacher development and how important it is to give new teachers support in their first few years of teaching when they are still learning how to be good teachers. The article stated that nearly half of all teachers drop out of the profession in their first five years! That surprised me a lot, but it is reassuring to know now that there are programs and people out there who can support us as we enter the profession.
There was lots of different informatiion on this site! I found articles on individualizing instruction to reach every student in the classroom as well as a multitude of articles about the increasing use of technology in today's society. One article in particular that spoke to me was about keeping arts and music education in public schools. These programs are being cut first, but they are extremely beneficial to the students. Studies show that those who participate in the arts tend to do better in their other courses. There were also a lot of videos on this site that looked relevant and interesting.
I found an article and a video on social-emotional learning. I was really glad to see that because I did my critical review on an article on social-emotional learning but it left me a little confused. It was nice to learn more about it.
Looking at the Edutopia website, I found an interesting article on standardized tests. Written by W. James Popham, the article talks about how wrong testing can be in schools. Comparing standardized tests to the frequency of fire drills, Popham discussed "over drilling" of students. School administrators emphasize the need for higer scores. Because of the added pressure, teachers and students are spending less time with the curriculum and more time talking about possible test topics and techniques. Popham focused on the fact that teachers are more concerned with test results that what students are actually learning within the classroom.
I find his opinion on the issue extremely valid. Not only does he provide student input, he supports his viewpoint well throughout the article. I agree that too much emphasis is being put on standardized testing in schools today.
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